Put God First
Words by Asa Sohn
In June of 2018, I put God first for the first time. And it was the best decision I’ve ever made. Mainly because CityLove taught me how to let go and let God be in control.
Before this year, I’ve been so comfortable being the overseer of my life in terms of making decisions and being in control at all times. But giving your life to serving God also means surrendering total control over everything to Him. And at first, that was hard to do.
I had so much going on and much more coming up. I was set to get married in 3 months, and I had bills to pay; including $623 a month for car insurance alone. I also had a car payment and at the same time I was saving up for the wedding. I was torn and not ready to give up control. Moreover, I had family and friends who showed their frustrations and concerns in various ways about our decision to do CityLove. They couldn’t understand why we were trusting the church and “wasting our life” for a year. Some couldn’t live with the facts, fearing that my soon-to-be wife and I would be doomed when transitioning out of the program; some unfriended us; others just submitted to defeat over time because they realized that there was no turning back. All this to say that the road to living for God can be easy but our desire for control can get in the way.
Then I thought to myself, if God really wants me to do this, then I can trust that He’ll provide. With the help of my wife Heather, I was able to put my trust in God. I realized that the best of my life may be right now, but also that the best is yet to come in Jesus’ name.
I learned quickly that letting God take control was the best decision I’ve ever made, because not once when I asked did he not provide.
Throughout the year, I had only two financial sponsors. I had to work part-time to pay bills but my paycheck was never enough. Fortunately, God always made sure that my needs were provided on time. I learned quickly that letting God take control was the best decision I’ve ever made, because not once when I asked did he not provide.
In closing, I want to share this advice that I heard from a YouTube video featuring Joyce Meyer: “When you woke up this morning, God gave you breath to breathe. Do not waste your life. Decide right now that for the rest of your life, you’re gonna give the best of your life: not to your boyfriend, not to your girlfriend, not to your job, not to anything else but to God’s Kingdom.” Become the man God made you to be, Become the woman God created you to be. Become available for God to use you!
Asa Sohn
Asa was born in the Ivory Coast and raised in Ghana and Providence. He was called to missions through his involvement and service with Renaissance Church in his years prior to CityLove.