Check out our CityLove initiatives:
Neighborhood Groceries
Are you in need of an extra boost of free groceries? Are you a Providence resident between Broad St, Prairie Ave, and Public St? One Saturday a month, CityLove delivers free bags of groceries by foot, to doorsteps within the Upper South neighborhood. If you live close but not quite within our delivery route, we offer pick-up at 184 Broad St, Providence between 10:30 - 11:30 am on delivery days, which are typically the third Saturday of every month.
Sign up for free groceries below!
How neighborhood groceries works
The CityLove team has delivery routes within these streets: Broad St, Prairie Ave, and Public St (see map). Once you sign up, a CityLove team member will text or call you to announce the next delivery day and make sure you or someone at your home is available that day to receive one bag of groceries at your doorstep. We also offer prayer on the spot for anyone interested.
Deliveries occur on the third Saturdays of each month from 10:30 am - 12 pm.